Welcome To The New Lonny

Always excited to create content, even here on my honeymoon!
This site is dedicated to my extraordinarily talented Lonny co-founder, Patrick Cline, 1976-2022.
With great pleasure and excitement, I welcome you to the new Lonny! If this is your first time here, we're delighted to meet you. And for those of you who are longtime Lonny readers wondering what’s up, allow me to explain.
In 2009, I launched this magazine alongside my brilliant co-founder, Patrick Cline, with the hope of celebrating accessible design. At the time, I was in my mid-twenties, living in a small apartment in East Harlem and working around the clock with my talented team to bring this publication to life. We photographed the work of design icons, traveled the world to find inspiration, and shared our latest and greatest discoveries with our loyal readers. A few years later, Lonny was acquired by a terrific company that was able to take the brand to the next level, embedding the technology needed to bring our readership to an all-time high. After the acquisition, I carried on with my editorial career in New York and later returned home to Michigan to slow down, live closer to family, work on consulting projects, and tackle a few home renovations of my own.
Last month, I was presented with the unique opportunity to lead Lonny once again. The world has changed a lot since I was last the editor in 2012, and of course, I have changed too. These days, I'm endlessly fascinated by timeless design, sustainable living, and organic gardening. I'm intrigued by people who know what they love and who refuse to get caught up in trends. I'm equally floored by designers who manage to get it right the first time around, designing spaces that stand the test of time. And of course, I'm inspired by anyone living creatively: those who know how to grow their own food, cultivate their own style, make their own art, create their own adventures, and make the most of their homes, wherever they may live.
As I step back into the role of editor, I’m excited to make these interests my new focus at Lonny. We'll help you design your home with purpose, make thoughtful investments, and create timeless spaces that foster wellness, inspire creativity, promote happiness, and keep you feeling safe. Our team is hard at work photographing the people and places that inspire us, interviewing our heroes, and rounding up our favorite pieces, all of which we will be sharing with you here, soon.
As for our Lonny archives, they speak for themselves. The homes we'll be republishing over the course of the year—the best of Lonny, in my opinion—were mostly designed a decade ago, yet still feel just as relevant and inspiring today. That's the power of great design!
Thank you for joining us in this new chapter. Please be sure to sign up for our newsletter, follow us on Instagram, and consider sharing with a friend!
Welcome to Lonny: Timeless design for a new era.
With gratitude,
Michelle Adams
Michelle Adams